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BR Detectors Metal & Gold Detectors

jonsmaradon: A metal and gold detector device from the AJAX American factories, the first detector in the world and the integrated device that meets all the needs of prospectors for gold, treasures, burials, gemstones, diamonds, groundwater, and artesian wells. Ajax Primero is a scientific revolution in search and exploration operations, advanced detection systems that are extremely accurate and effective, and innovative search methods. The device contains 9 different search systems at depths of up to 50 meters underground and a search area of 2850 meters. Explore the depths of the earth and benefit from its pure waters with the latest technologies in water and artesian well detection. As agents for the largest manufacturers, we have selected for you the best technologies and devices manufactured by leading companies worldwide in this field. We have chosen the best for you because your satisfaction is our ultimate goal. Join us today to discover the world of quality and professionalism in groundwater detection. GPX5000 is our new standard in the field of detection technology for gold. With an amazing array of features and functionality superior to its predecessor, in the category of technology for the company, the multi-polar sensing technology available within the device allows the disclosure of gold in various sizes from very small pieces and even large volumes of gold and high accuracy. The device contains unique features and functions that have an international patent, in addition to a control panel for the device that is flexible and practical during use. The device also features the ability to use it on all types of terrain. The device also includes eight different search modes, in addition to the five modes available in the device Previous GPX4500 The new device contains the following modes for detecting antiquities, detecting pure gold and detecting gold alloys and alloys. The device is also equipped with more advanced features for searching for jewellery at greater depths. Easy to use for beginners and advanced metal and gold detectors. This device is the most suitable choice if you are looking for a multi-functional detection device.

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